Breast Centre

Only if malignant breast diseases are diagnosed and treated at an early stage is there a good chance of recovery.

Statistical studies have shown that only the consolidated competence of a breast centre can lead to optimal treatment. Here, gynaecologists, radiologists, oncologists, pathologists, and radiotherapists contribute their expertise and skills. By creating and implementing an individual treatment plan for each patient, the centre can achieve a significant reduction in the risk of the disease being lethal, and at the same time a noticeable increase in quality of life.

You can find further information in our Qualitity Report of the Breast Centre Herzogtum Lauenburg (in German) and on the following website: (German).

Abnormality in the breast

If you find you have a breast abnormality, first consult your GP or gynaecologist. They will refer you to us at the Breast Centre for further examination if necessary. We will then perform a mammogram, ultrasound and, if necessary, ultrasound-guided high-speed punch biopsies to obtain tissue from the abnormal area.

So far, there is no scientifically proven evidence of an advantage to using computer-assisted mammography over conventional mammography.

After the punch biopsy has been performed, the results are usually available on the next working day at 3.00 pm. As soon as the benign or malignant nature of the tumour is known, we discuss further procedures with you (today, this is usually breast-conserving surgery with or without complete clearance of the armpit, sentinel lymph node removal). Unless you need more time to think about it, the surgery can be carried out the following day. There is always time and opportunity for a discussion with a psychologist or a pastoral counsellor such as Ms pastor Penning.

Before a necessary surgery

Before a necessary operation, we perform mammographic or sonographic marking of a non-palpable finding.

Follow-up treatment

The type and extent of follow-up treatment are determined by the findings of the fine-tissue examination, your age, and your health. In general, this means taking an overall view of your circumstances and the nature of cancer. Afterwards, the team will discuss with you whether and which chemotherapy, radiation, or anti-hormone therapy is necessary, and what side effects it may have, but also we will discuss how we can help you to prevent or alleviate them.

Both throughout the entirety of your treatment, and afterwards, your physical and mental conditions are taken into account via close follow-up examinations, in addition to other medical findings. Psycho-oncologists at the Breast Centre and self-help groups are both available to you for this purpose.

Breast consultation

In our breast consultation (senological consultation), we offer a wide range of breast diagnostics in cooperation with the CONRADIA radiology practice in our hospital.

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