Cognitive Rehabilitation

Restoring skills and learning new ones

Language, thinking, planning and executing actions, attention, and perception or memory are all cognitive services of our brain that we use every day and as a matter of course. Many neurological diseases impair these abilities in various ways.

During Cognitive Rehabilitation we use the basic ability of the human brain to regenerate, reorganise, and form new connections. These "repair skills" of the brain enable us to make old skills usable again and to learn new skills.

In rehabilitation, we use many methods accordingly: on the one hand, we try to restore cognitive functions as far as possible, on the other hand, we use compensation strategies or adapt the temporal, spatial, and content-related organisation of everyday life to accommodate the effects of the disorder.

Our therapies

  • Neuropsychology
  • Psychotherapy
  • Pedagogy
  • Speech therapy

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Individual therapy goals

The goals of all therapies are guided entirely by the possibilities and abilities of the individual patient. For many patients, we can achieve integration into family and social areas of life through neuropsychological, neuroeducational, and speech therapy interventions. Often a return to work is also possible. However, we also help to reorient oneself professionally and to formulate new life goals, to integrate performance limitations into one's own life, and to activate individual strengths and resources.

Multi-professional team

Our multi-professional team of neuropsychologists, psychotherapists, educationalists, and speech therapists work "hand in hand" and are closely integrated into the interdisciplinary treatment processes on the wards.

About your stay

Find out more about your stay in our rehabilitation centre.