
Important Information

Please note our current Corona information on birth at Johanniter Hospital Geesthach.

Learn more

The Ward of Obstetrics is certified as a "baby-friendly maternity hospital" and is part of the established Geesthacht Women's Hospital, to which the Ward of Gynaecology belongs as well. We work continuously to promote normal birth with a current caesarean section rate of 20.2% (2019).

In the maternity ward there are enough family rooms and also a 24-hour rooming-in service available.

Our cooperative partner for daily paediatric rounds is the Lüneburg Municipal Hospital. This cooperation enables us to attend to births from the 35+0 week of pregnancy and to carry out necessary therapies without separating mother and child within our clinic.

Our services

  • Extensive range of courses
  • Water births
  • Low caesarean section rate
  • Baby-friendly maternity clinic
  • Spontaneous breech deliveries
  • Integrative postpartum care
  • Family room
  • Paediatric care

Our baby gallery

Click here for the baby gallery of the Johanniter Hospital Geesthacht.

Baby gallery (in German) 

Registration for birth and midwife consultations 

After making an appointment (delivery room: +49 4152 / 179 306), a midwife will be available to register you for the birth or for a detailed discussion. Here you have the opportunity to express your questions, wishes and also fears about the forthcoming birth or the previous one. You can also make an appointment for an obstetric consultation.


Get to know our ward

Hebamme Tanja Thiemann stellt Ihnen die geburtshilfliche Abteilung des Johanniter-Krankenhauses in Geesthacht vor.
Midwife Tanja Thiemann introduces you to the obstetrics ward of Johanniter Hospital in Geesthacht. (in German)

Certificates and awards

The Johanniter Krankenhaus Geestacht is certified as a baby-friendly maternity hospital by the  WHO/UNICEF initiative zertifiziert. Hospitals with this distinction realise a modern form of obstetric care.