First-Aid basic training / Company First-Aid basic Training in der Region Aachen-Düren-Heinsberg

In this training, "first aiders" are trained for all (emergency) cases within 9 hours. It complies with the requirements of the accident insurance institutions (DGUV) and of the driving licence ordinance (FEV).

Unsere Leistungen

You will be trained to understand the basics of first aid, to stay calm and in control in an emergency. During 9 units, you will be given both the ability and knowledge to deal with first aid emergencies. The training is highly practical and takes a hands-on approach to learning first aid. The course covers among other things the role of the first aider, bleeding (minor and severe), fainting and resuscitation (adult CPR). After the training you can provide reassurance and comfort until the paramedics arrive, you will be able to cope with emergencies more confidently and you can act in an emergency properly to help someone to survive.

Mehr Informationen

Please check out the dates for first aid training in our neighbouring association.

Schnelles Handeln kann im Notfall Leben retten. Schon morgen können Sie zum Lebensretter werden!

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