Reliable Contributors On Our Side

Numerous people support the work of Johanniter International Assistance. They donate regularly or provide selective support after disasters. In particular, our donation alliance Aktion Deutschland Hilft (ADH) plays an important role. As an association of aid organisations based in Germany, we jointly call for donations in the event of a disaster.

Achieving Development Goals Together

Institutional contributors with third-party funds are of particular importance to us. The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German Federal Foreign Office have been reliable partners for many years. Together with local partner organisations, we make a contribution to achieving globally agreed development goals or providing humanitarian aid in crisis and disaster regions. In addition, the department of European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) provides important financial support for our project activities. At the project country level, specific United Nations relief funds are becoming increasingly important in order to be able to provide fast and efficient assistance in line with the local context.

Support by Foundations

A third pillar is private foundations, which accompany and support our work. Thanks to their commitments, we have been able to successfully implement numerous projects in the health sector, WASH or our efforts against malnutrition and undernourishment in recent years. We thank all of them for their trust!


Source of funds for 2023

Effective Use of Resources

Our standards and guidelines are the basis for better aid.


Our Approach