In Mozambique

we are improving healthcare and hygiene conditions, preventing conflict and helping women in particular to become self-sufficient.

International Assistance in Mozambique

Why we are on site

Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world. One in nine adults is infected with HIV and many children grow up without parents, further increasing poverty. After 16 years of civil war, a ceasefire was negotiated in the 1990s, but political and religious tensions continue today. According to the United Nations, some 950,000 people have fled the violence and now live in camps in other parts of the country. In addition to health care, the drinking water supply is also inadequate in many places. Cyclone Idai, which devastated the country in March 2019, and the Corona pandemic that followed a year later made the situation even more precarious. On the current Human Development Index, Mozambique ranks 185th out of 191 countries.

Years Active in the Country
We have been supporting people in Mozambique since 2019.
Staff Members
of Johanniter work on site
could be reached in 2023.
Partner organisations
implement the projects on the ground.

What we achieve together with our partner organisations

Johanniter International Assistance was on site after Cyclone Idai with an emergency relief team to support basic medical care for one month. In a remote region, we additionally supported a health center with equipment and medicine. Together with our local partner organizations, we then provided tools and seeds in the Idai-affected regions to enable people to become self-sufficient as quickly as possible. We are also currently active in the province of Manica, where a project is helping rural women to generate their own income through education and microcredits.

We are also helping people in the north of the country with three other projects. In the impoverished province of Cabo Delgado, violence and displacement have been occurring since 2017. Here, we have been supporting refugee families with relief supplies since 2021 and working to improve the hygiene, nutrition and health situation for IDPs and the local population in the long term. In addition, we support income generation and conflict prevention measures.

Our projects in Mozambique

  • Health and Nutrition

    Mozambique/Congo: Inter-country project

  • Income-generating activities in Manica and Sofala

    For disadvantaged women in rural areas

  • Improving Health

    For IDP and the local communities in three districts