In Palestine

we support the treatment of people with eye diseases to combat the causes of avoidable blindness.

International Assistance in Palestine

Why we are on site

Following Hamas' armed attack on Israel on 7th of October 2023 and Israel's military response against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, fighting continues in the region. The civilian population is helplessly at the mercy of the fighting, without being able to protect themselves adequately or receive sufficient medical care. 

We have been active in the region for years and provide emergency aid with our partners in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza and Lebanon, as far as the security situation allows. With our sister organization - St. John Eye Hospital - we supported the expansion of its medical services to 6,167 patients in the occupied West Bank at the end of the year.

Years Active in the Country
We have been helping in Palestine since 2004.
were treated for avoidable blindness.
Partner Organisation
implements the projects on the ground.

What we achieve together with our partner organisations

Johanniter International Assistance has been active in Palestine in the field of health care since 2004.

Since May 2024, we have been working with St. John to resume care for patients in mobile clinics in Gaza. In coordination with the World Health Organization (WHO), three ophthalmology stations have been set up in Rafah, Deir El Balah and Nuseirat Camp in the north of the Gaza Strip, where basic eye care, treatment of infections, blood pressure and blood sugar measurements, stitching of cuts, wound dressings and minor surgical procedures are carried out.

In an eye clinic in Jerusalem, we funded the construction and operation of a research laboratory for hereditary retinal diseases. The cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian doctors was a peace-promoting element in this project. Together with our local partner we support the treatment of eye diseases that can lead to blindness.

Our projects in Palestine

  • In Palestine

    we support the treatment of people with eye diseases to combat the causes of avoidable blindness.