War in Ukraine

Our activities in Ukraine focus on emergency measures and psychological support.

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Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

Together with our partners, we continue to be there for people who need support as a result of the disaster. The focus is on Syria.

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Health, Livelihoods, Water

With our partners, we support people in Mozambique in various areas to enable them to lead a healthy and dignified life.

Promoting health

We take a wide range of actions to ensure that people around the world can live healthy lives.

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Securing livelihoods

We provide sustainable support to enable people to secure their own livelihoods.

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Emergency aid and disaster preparedness

We help ensure that people affected by disasters and conflicts survive.

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For A Life with Health and Dignity

In humanitarian crises and after disasters, we enable affected people to survive with dignity. We help them to cope better with the effects of crises, violent conflicts, natural disasters or climate change by strengthening their resilience.

About us

Project Countries
Partner Organisations
Ongoing Projects

International Assistance of Johanniter – Worldwide

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Former activities
Keine Ergebnisse.

Text noch nicht dynamisch!!! Die "Regenbogennation" Südafrika hat eine bewegte Geschichte mit Rassentrennung und Befreiung von der Apartheid hinter sich. Als politischer und wirtschaftlicher Riese in der Region des Südlichen Afrika spricht Südafrika auch ein gewichtiges Wort in der Weltpolitik mit, zu Hause steht das Land aber vor immensen sozialen Aufgaben.

Zur Landesseite

News from our projects

Ukraine: Humanitarian situation worsens after dam explosion

Emergency aid with water and food needed for a long time. Johanniter supports with clean-up efforts and daily supplies.


Ukraine: Johanniter aid reaches affected people

Relief supplies worth 200,000 Euros were procured for people in the trapped villages north of Kherson.


Ukraine: Evacuation and emergency relief operations started in Kherson

Following the breach of the dam in Kakhovka, the Johanniter fear a significant worsening of the humanitarian situation within the flooded area and warn of mines being washed away as well as a deterioration of the drinking water supply.


Myanmar: Johanniter Emergency relief starts after Cyclone Mocha

Food and hygiene kits on their way to Rakhine ++ 200,000 euros for emergency relief provided


Forgotten crises #IntoFocus

Around 30 German relief organizations have joined forces to put forgotten crises in the spotlight.


Easter in the Spreewald

Just like Christmas, Easter is very important in my family. For generations, we have celebrated the holiday in our own way: a mixture of Christian traditions and local customs from the Spreewald.


DR Congo: Johanniter provides emergency medical relief for IDPs in North Kivu

Over a quarter million people are again on the run in the province of North Kivu. The camps for displaced people around the provincial capital Goma are already overcrowded. Johanniter is providing emergency medical relief in four camps.


One month after the earthquake in Turkey and Syria

One month ago today, the devastating two earthquakes hit the border region between Turkey and Syria. Tens of thousands of people died, millions were left homeless.


Myanmar: Two years after the Coup d'Etat

It is the second anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar. Since then, millions of people in the country have been living in great fear and poverty.


Your Donation Counts!

With every donation you support the people on site. You can help!

Your Donation Counts!

With every donation you support the people on site. You can help!

Our Sectors

Emergency Response and Disaster Risk Reduction

Conflicts and wars, disasters, pandemics and the consequences of climate change have increased the global need for humanitarian aid. Johanniter is there to support the people.

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Health for All

We support basic medical care with a special focus on mother-child health and on particularly vulnerable groups. Preventive measures reduce diseases and mortality rates in the medium and long term.

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Securing Nutrition and Income

Everyone should have access at all times to safe and adequate food that meets their needs and enables them to live a healthy life. This is the basis for earning an income of their own.

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Things to Know About Johanniter

  • We Help Together with Local Partners

    Johanniter International Assistance aims to involve local actors more closely in the humanitarian system and give them a more prominent role in it. This is why the partner approach plays an important role in our projects.

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  • Our Network

    Transparency & Accountability