Collective small business initiatives and promotion of peaceful coexistence of indigenous peoples and small farmers

Project area:

Department of Vichada


15.11.2022 - 14.11.2024


CIASE - Corporación de Investigación y Acción Social y Económica

Funding by:

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

What it's about:

Approximately 40-45% of the population in the region belongs to an indigenous ethnic group, some of which are threatened with physical and cultural extinction according to the Constitutional Court. The project contributes to a holistic development (economically, ecologically and socially sustainable) in the project region. This is achieved through (1) active and equal participation of indigenous and peasant communities in conflict resolution and joint management of the area through dialogue and successful educational activities, (2) collective economic development proposals developed and implemented by indigenous and peasant communities in the intervention area, and also (3) multi-level advocacy and new sustainable alliances for the Alto Vichada region through the consolidation of the Vichada Development Plan and institutional strengthening of the local partner CIASE.

Examples of measures:

Nine trainings on exchange and strengthening of dialogue skills of the target communities.

Participatory elaboration of a business model for community-based tourism linking 8 productive initiatives

Exchange of experience with peer initiatives and lobbying of private and state institutions

Pilot project to evaluate the business model for community-based tourism

Number of people reached

Directly: 295 people