Emergency Response for the earthquake-affected population

Project area:
Afrin district, Northwest Syria
16.02.2023 - 15.11.2023
Funding by:
Aktion Deutschland Hilft

What it's about:
The project aims to improve the resilience and rural/semi-urban livelihood opportunities of 400 most vulnerable households, through Cash for Work (CfW), income-generating activities and small and medium enterprises (SMEs). In this way, the value chain of local production will be revitalised in 12 communities of Sheikh El-Hadid sub-district, where various rural/semi-urban livelihood enterprises are a key pillar in providing employment and livelihood opportunities for more than 80% of the population. The project aims to create short-term employment opportunities for the most vulnerable households (men and women, migrant workers and IDPs) through CFW outreach (vegetable picking, weeding, hole digging, fire fighting, debris removal, public cleanliness campaigns, etc.).
Number of people we reach:
Direct: 10,000 people