Palestine: A new horizon for young people

The increasingly deteriorating political and economic situation in Palestine has particularly enormous consequences for people with disabilities.

As a result of the disputes between Israel and Palestine, the population in the West Bank repeatedly suffers from violent clashes. Road controls and the settlement policy lead to displacement and extremely restricted freedom of movement. The economic situation in the West Bank is also increasingly affected by the barrier.

The dream of own money

This hits people with disabilities particularly hard. Due to their marginalized role in society, they can hardly secure their own livelihood. Therefore, Johanniter's project aims to secure livelihoods for people with disabilities through access to appropriate work. Together with our partner organization BASR, around 450 young people thus receive vocational training and entry into the labor market. 

Mohammad from Hebron, for example, has completed the training as a technician and now owns his own business. "I am very proud of my own business repairing cell phones and electronics. The main reason for the success is the good vocational training I received," the 20-year-old says happily.

Menschen mit Behinderung in Palästina

International Assistance in Palestine

In Palestine, we support people with disabilities in gaining access to decent work. We pursue an inclusive approach.
